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Yes I Believe

by Point Of Grace


When I

Cm7said that I would Ffollow
It was B♭2with an honest heart
But I Cm7didn’t fully Funderstand the B♭2cost
’cause there are Cm7saints throughout the Fages
And B♭2there are those today
Who Fm7 /A♭show us what it E♭ /Greally means to A♭2carry the B♭2cross
Fm7That only E♭ /Gfuels my devotion B♭2
No Fm7matter what E♭ /Gcomes I will B♭2say


FYes, I be-Dm7lieve, I be-B♭lieve with Call that is in me
FYes, I be-Dm7lieve, Though the B♭world rises Cup against me
F /AI will be B♭2faithful To the Gm7choice I have Csusmade – C
F /AI am de-B♭2termined I will Gm7not be a-Csusshamed – C
To Gm7live so the F /Awhole world can B♭2see, That Csusyes, CI be-Fsuslieve


There will

Cm7never be a Freason
To B♭2lose this confidence
For Cm7I have found where Fmy assurance B♭2lies
It is Cm7not in my own Fpower
But in B♭2Who my Savior is
And the Fm7 /A♭truth of this con-E♭ /Gviction
Makes me A♭2shout to the B♭2sky


FYes, I be-Dm7 lieve, I be-B♭lieve with Call that is in me
FYes, I be-Dm7lieve, Though the B♭world rises Cup against me
F /AI will be B♭2faithful To the Gm7choice I have Csusmade – C
F /AI am de-B♭2termined I will Gm7not be a-Csusshamed – C
To Gm7live so the F /Awhole world can B♭2see, That Csusyes, CI be-Fsuslieve – F


Gm7Yes, I believe he is risen
F /AYes, I believe we are forgiven
B♭2Yes, I believe, I believe –G /B and one day we’ll see him
F /AAnd together we’ll Csay


GYes, I be-Em7lieve, I be-Clieve with Dall that is in me
GYes, I be-Em7lieve, Though the Cworld rises Dup against me
G /BI will be Cfaithful To the Am7choice I have Dsusmade – D
G /BI am de-Ctermined I will Am7not be a-Dsusshamed – D
To Am7live so the G /Bwhole world can Csee, DsusD

I be-

Glieve Em7‘., I be-Clieve with Dall that is in me
GYes, I be-Em7lieve, Though the Cworld rises Dup against me
G /BI will be Cfaithful To the Am7choice I have Dsusmade – D
G /BI am de-Ctermined I will Am7not be a-Dsusshamed – D
C /B♭Yes I Be-C /Alieve I Be-C /A♭lieve – G

Rejoice in the Lord

Key of C

CGod never Ammoves without Dmpurpose or G7plan
When Emtrying His Amservant and Dmmolding a Emman.
Give Cthanks to the AmLord though your Dmtesting seems G7long;
In Fdarkness He G7giveth a Csong.


O re

Cjoice in the AmLord. He Dmmakes no mis-G7take.
He Cknoweth the Amend of each Dmpath that I G7take.
For Amwhen I am Emtried and Fpuri-Fm /Dfied,
C /GI shall come Gforth as Cgold.

I could not see through the shadows ahead;
So I looked at the cross of my Savior instead.
I bowed to the will of the Master that day;
Then peace came and tears fled away.


Now I can see testing comes from above;
God strengthens His children and purges in love.
My Father knows best, and I trust in His care;
Through purging more fruit I will bear.


Copyright 1978 by Majesty Music, Inc. All rights reserved.

Every Need Supplied

Verse 1

DDaniel found Him F#mfaithful Gin a lion’s Dden
He sent Gfire down from DHeaven when GElijah called on AHim
And though DJoseph was forF#msaken he was reGwarded with the Dthrone
And when GDavid felt his Dheart break Ahe could sing this Dsong



Dneed suppAlied, every Gmoment satisDfied
And every Gtime I call His Dname, I know I’ll Gfind Him just the Asame
If you’ve Dgone out on a Alimb or your Gway it may seem Ddim
Don’t give Gup and don’t give Din, Casting Gall your Acare upon DHim

Verse 2


Dsaid we could move F#mmountains with Gfaith of a mustard Dseed
So I Gknow my God is Dable to Gmeet our every Gneed
And one Dday with all the Ablood-washed saints, we’ll Ggather round the Dthrone
And in Ganthems sweet, crowns Dat His feet we’ll Gsing it Aon and Don



Dneed suppAlied, every Gmoment satisDfied
And every Gtime I call His Dname, I know I’ll Gfind Him just the Asame
If you’ve Dgone out on a Alimb or your Gway it may seem Ddim
Don’t give Gup and don’t give Din, Casting Gall your Acare upon DHim

I Found It All

I thought it

Cmight be in my Fname a Gshining lega – Ccy

I thought it might be in a

Fgoal for sucGcess to follow Cme

I thought it

C7might be in a Fplan to Csail across the Fseas

But I

Dmdidn’t find Fwhat I really Gneed

I found it

Call when I lost Feverything

And gave my

Glife to serve a Frisen Cking

I found the

Amtruth G– that I’d been Fsearching Dfor

I found it

Gall when I found the CLord

I’m letting go of all my ways I think are best for me

I’m laying down all my ideas of what I think my life should be

I’m leaving everything I am right at Jesus’ feet

For it’s here I find everything I need


I found it all when I lost everything

And gave my life to serve a risen king

I found the truth that I’d been searching for

I found it all when I found the Lord


I found the truth that I’d been searching for

I found it all when I found the Lord

I found it all

– The Collingsworth Family

A B C D E F G, Jesus died for you and me

See this song on YouTube

Capo 3

DA B C D AE F G, Jesus died for Dyou and me.
DH I J K GL M N, EmJesus died for Gsinful Amen, Amen!
DO P Q R AS T U, I believe God’s Dword is true.
DU V W, GGod has promised you,
AX Y Z, a home eternal-Dly!

Joy To The World

Audio Player

CJoy to the World , the Lord Gis Ccome!
Let Fearth re-Gceive her CKing;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And GHeaven and nature sing,
And CHeaven, and Heaven, and na-Gture Csing.

Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.

Away In A Manger

Audio Player

GAway in a manger, no Ccrib for a Gbed,
the Dlittle Lord Jesus laid Cdown his sweet Ghead.
The stars in the sky looked Cdown where he Glay,
the Dlittle Lord GJesus, a-Csleep on Dthe Ghay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
but little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes;
I love thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
and stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay
close by me forever, and love me, I pray;
bless all the dear children in thy tender care,
and fit us for heaven to live with thee there.

The First Noel

Audio Player


Dfirst No-Ael the Gangel did Dsay
was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
in Dfields where Athey lay Gkeeping their Dsheep,
on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.


DNoel, ANoel, GNoel, DNoel,
Bmborn is the DKing of Isr-Aa-Del.

They looked up and saw a star
shining in the east, beyond them far;
and to the earth it gave great light,
and so it continued both day and night.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Audio Player

GHark! the herald angels sing,
“Glory Cto the Dnew born GKing,
peace on earth, and mercy Amild,
DGod and sinners reconciled!”
GJoyful, all ye Cnations Drise,
Gjoin the triumph Cof the Dskies;
Cwith th’ angelic Amhost proclaim,
D“Christ is Gborn in Bethlehem!”
CHark! the herald Amangels sing,
D“Glory Gto the Dnew born GKing!”

Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
late in time behold him come,
offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
hail th’ incarnate Deity,
pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
“Glory to the new born King!”

O Little Town of Bethlehem

Audio Player

GO little town of CBethlehem,
how Gstill we Dsee thee Glie;
above thy Edeep and Cdreamless sleep
the Gsilent Dstars go Gby.
Yet in thy dark streets Bmshineth
the Emeverlasting Bmlight;
the Ghopes and fears of Call the years
are Gmet in Dthee to-Gnight.

For Christ is born of Mary,
and gathered all above,
while mortals sleep, the angels keep
their watch of wondering love.
O morning stars together,
proclaim the holy birth,
and praises sing to God the king,
and peace to all on earth!

How silently, how silently,
the wondrous gift is given;
so God imparts to human hearts
the blessings of his heaven.
No ear may hear his coming,
but in this world of sin,
where meek souls will receive him, still
the dear Christ enters in.

Silent Night

Audio Player

CSilent night, holy night
GAll is calm, Call is bright
F’round yon virgin, Cmother and child
FHoly infant, so Ctender and mild
GSleep in heavenly Cpeace
Sleep in Gheavenly Cpeace

I Will Call Upon The Lord

Taken from Psalm 18:3,46
Italic line indicates the ‘echo’

CI will Fcall upon the CLord  F
                       I will call upon the

CWho is Fworthy to be Cpraised F
 Lord                  Who is   worthy to be

CI will Fcall upon the CLord  F
praised                I will call upon the

CWho is Fworthy to be Cpraised F
 Lord                  Who is   worthy to be

CSo shall I be saved from mine enemies
 praised        saved from mine enemies

CI will Gcall upon the CLord

The CLord liveth, and Fblessed be my CRock
And let the FGod of my Csalvation be Gexalted
The CLord liveth, and Fblessed be my CRock
And let the FGod of my Csalvation be Gexalt-Ced

As the Deer


Verse 1:

CAs the Gdeer panteth Amfor the Cwater
so my Fsoul longeth Gafter Cthee…G
CYou aGlone are my Amheart’s deCsire
and I Flong to Gworship Cthee.


AmYou alone are Fstrength my Cshield
To Amyou alone may my Fspirit Eyield.
CYou aGlone are my Amheart’s deCsire
and I Flong to Gworship Cthee.

Verse 2:

You’re my friend and you are my brother
even though you are a king.
I love you more than any other
so much more than anything.


Verse 3:

I love you more than gold or silver
Only You can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy giver
You’re the apple of my eye.


He Loves Me With a Love That Wont Stop


CI was in a Gvalley
DI was sinking Emlow
CI had slipped and Gfallen
CI had missed the Dgoal
CCondemnation Gthreatened
DI cried out in Emfear
CMercy said, “ForGgiven
CCome and fly up Dhere!”


Glove the Lord
He Dheard my cry
He Glifted me Cway up high
CSet my feet uGpon the mountain Dtop
Just Gthink of it
The DLord and King
The GCreator of Ceverything
Loves Cme with a Glove that Dwon’t Gstop

CIf you bear the Gburdens
DOf a sin-scarred Emlife
CPast mistakes and Gfailures
CHaunt you in the Dnight
CYou can be forGgiven
DFor God’s Word is Emtrue
COn the wings of Geagles
CYou can sing it Dtoo


Glove the Lord
He Dheard my cry
He Glifted me Cway up high
CSet my feet uGpon the mountain Dtop
Just Gthink of it
The DLord and King
The GCreator of Ceverything
Loves Cme with a Glove that Dwon’t Gstop

Written by Jeff Steele

I Am Crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20)


I am

Gcrucified with Christ: neverthe-Cless I Glive;
yet not DI, but Christ D7liveth in Gme:
and the life which I now G7live in the flesh
I Clive by the faith of the DSon of God,
who loved me, and D7gave himself for Gme.



DI’ve got joy Adown in my heart

GDeep, deep down in my Dheart!

DJ-O-Y Adown in my heart

GDeep deep down in my Dheart!

DJesus gave it to Ame


Anothing can Ddestroy it!

DI’ve got joy Adown in my heart

GDeep, deep down in my Dheart!

God Is So Good



Verse 1:

GGod is so Dgood
D7God is so Ggood
G7God is so Cgood
He’s so Ggood Dto Gme

Verse 2:
He took my sin
He took my sin
He took my sin
He’s so good to me

Verse 3:
Now i am free
Now i am free
Now i am free
He’s so good to me

Verse 4:
God is so good
He took my sin
Now i am free
He’s so good to me.

Other verses:

  • He cares for me
  • I love Him so
  • I praise His name
  • He died for me
  • He answers prayer


Why Worry About?


GIf you know the Lord is blessing you
CWhy worry a-Gbout?*
If you know the Lord is blessing you
AWhy not sing and D7shout?
GGlory hallelujah praise His name
CEv’ry day is Gnot the same
If you know the Lord is blessing you
Why Dworry a-Gbout?*

* [sic]

Let Us Love One Another I John 4:7-8



Gloved, let us love one an-Dother,
For D7love is of God, and everyone that loveth is
GBorn of God, and knoweth God
He that loveth not, knoweth not God for
DGod is love.
Be-D7loved, let us love one an-Gother
First John 4:C7 & G8

Gimme That Old Time Religion


Gimme that

Gold time religion;
Gimme that Dold time re-Gligion;
Gimme that Gold time re-Cligion:
It’s Ggood e-Dnough for Gme.

It was good enough for Moses…
It was good for the prophet Daniel…
It was good for Paul and Silas….

Amazing Grace



Verse 1:

Gmazing grace, how Csweet the Gsound,
That saved a wretch like Dme.
I Gonce was lost but Cnow am Gfound,
Was Emblind, but Dnow I Gsee.

Verse 2:

Ggrace that taught my Cheart to Gfear.
And grace, my fears re-Dlieved.
How Gprecious did that Cgrace ap-Gpear
The Emhour I Dfirst be-Glieved.

Verse 3:

Gmany dangers, Ctoils and Gsnares
I have already Dcome;
‘Tis Ggrace that brought me Csafe thus Gfar
and Emgrace will Dlead me Ghome.

Verse 4:

GLord has promised Cgood to Gme.
His word my hope se-Dcures.
He Gwill my shield and Cportion Dbe,
As Emlong as Dlife en-Gdures.

Verse 5:

Gwhen this flesh and Cheart shall Gfail,
And mortal life shall Dcease,
I Gshall possess with-Cin the Gveil,
A Emlife of Djoy and Gpeace.

Verse 6:

Gwe’ve been there ten Cthousand Gyears
Bright shining as the Dsun.
We’ve Gno less days to Csing God’s Gpraise
Than Emwhen we’ve Dfirst be-Ggun.

Jesus In the Morning


GJesus, Jesus
CJesus in the morning, Jesus in the Gnoon-time
GJesus, Je-Emsus
GJesus till the Dsun goes Gdown.

GLove Him, love Him
CLove Him in the morning, love Him in the Gnoon-time
GLove Him, love EmHim
GLove Him till the Dsun goes Gdown.

Additional verses:

Serve Him
Praise Him
Obey Him

Rejoice In the Lord Alway Philp. 4:4



Gjoice in the Lord alway and a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice
Re-Gjoice in the Lord alway and a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice
Re-Gjoice! Rejoice! And a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice
Re-Gjoice! Rejoice! And a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice
Re-Gjoice in the Lord alway and a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice
Re-Gjoice in the Lord alway and a-Dgain I say, Re-Gjoice

Note: This song is meant to be sung in “rounds.”
The starting group (e.g. the girls) sings the first line, then the other group (e.g. the boys) sings the first line while the first group sings the second line, etc. So one group trails the other and the basic melody turns into a beautiful close harmony.

Trust In the Lord – Pro. 3:5-6


AmTrust in the GLord with Amall thine Eheart
And Amlean not Gunto thine Amown under-Estanding
In Amall thy Gways ac-Amknowledge EHim,
And AmHe shall di-Grect thy Ampaths,…E
And AmHe shall di-Grect thy Ampaths.

Note: This song can be sung in “rounds”:
For example: boys would start off “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and…”
At that point the girls would start right in: “Trust in the Lord…”

The Fear of the Lord – Pro.9:10



Amfear of the Lord (Clap) (Clap)
The fear of the Lord is the be-Eginning of wisdom,
Be-Amginning of wisdom
The fear of the Lord (Clap) (Clap)
The fear of the Lord is the be-Eginning of wis-Amdom. (Clap) (Clap) (Clap) (Clap)

And the

Dmknowledge of the Holy is Amunderstanding,
EUnderstanding, Amunderstanding.
DmGod will bless them all, (Clap) (Clap)
AmBoth the great and small, (Clap) (Clap)
EAll who fear the AmLord. (Clap) (Clap) (Clap) (Clap)

I Want to Be More Like Jesus


Verse 1:
I want to be

Gmore like Jesus.
I want to be Gmore like AHimD.
I want to be Gmore and more and more and more,
CMore and more and more and more,
GMore and more and Dmore like GHim!

(Tell me!)

GWhat d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Dal-Gright!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Ddyna-Gmite!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Dal-Gright!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Ddyna-Gmite!

Verse 2:

Gtry and tell me my God is dead:
He woke me up this morning!
Don’t Gtry and tell me he’s not alive:
I Aspoke with Him to-Dday!
He Gopened up my blinded eyes,
And sent me on my Cway.
All I want to Gknow about is this
DMan from Gali-Glee!

Verse 3:
He is the

GKing of kings.
He is the Lord of AlordsD.
His name is GJesus, DJesus, GJesus, CJesus,
DOh! He is the GKing Cof Gkings
[Repeat verse 1]

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes


DHead, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
DHead, shoulders, knees and Atoes, knees and toes
DEyes and ears and Gmouth and chin and nose
AI’m a Christian and it Dshows, yes it shows!


Alternative lyrics and tune: (Same tune as “London Bridge is Falling Down”)

DHead and shoulders, knees and toes,
AKnees and toes, Dknees and toes
DHead and shoulders, knees and toes,
AI love DJesus.

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus


DI have decided to follow Jesus.
D7I have de-Gcided to follow DJesus.
DI have decided to follow Jesus:
No turning back,(…A7) no turning Dback. (GD)

DThe world behind me, the Cross before me,
D7The world be-Ghind me, the Cross be-Dfore me,
DThe world behind me, the Cross before me:
No turning back,(…A7) no turning Dback.(GD)

DThough no one join me, still I will follow.
D7Though no one Gjoin me, still I will Dfollow.
DThough no one join me, still I will follow:
No turning back,(…A7) no turning Dback.(GD)

I Am Under the Rock


GI am under the Rock,
The Rock that’s higher than I.
Jehovah Chides me:
GI am under the DRock.
Go tell my Genemies,
I am under the CRock!
Jehovah Ghides me:
DI am under the GRock.

He Is Able to Carry Me Through

He is

He is Dable
I Gknow, He is Cable
I Gknow my Lord is Dable
To carry me Cthrough(…G).
[Repeat chorus 1x]


Cheals the broken-hearted,
And He Gsets the captives free,
He Amade the lame to walk again,
And He Dcaused the blind to D7see (for you see:)

Oh How I Love Jesus


Key of G

GOh, how I love Jesus,
DOh, how I love GJe – Csus!
GOh, how I love EmJesus,
BeCcause He Dfirst loved Gme!


Gis a name I love to hear.
I Dlove to sing its Gwo – Crth.
It Gsounds like music Emin my ear:
The Csweetest Dname on Gearth!

Ha Ha Ha



GHa ha Emha
G Ha ha Emha
G Ha ha Emha

Verse 1:

GJesus has Emrisen
CFrom the Dgrave
G Jesus has Emrisen
CFrom the Dgrave
G Jesus has Emrisen
CFrom the Dgrave to
G Stay!EmCSo we sing and Dshout (Shout!)


Verse 2:

GFill me EmLord
CWith your DSpirit
GFill me EmLord
CWith your DSpirit
GFill me EmLord
CWith your DSpirit I
GPray!EmCSo we sing and Dshout (Shout!)

Verse 3

GMake me Emmore
CLike DJesus
GMake me Emmore
CLike DJesus
GMake me Emmore
CLike DJesus I
G Pray!EmCSo we sing and Dshout (Shout!)

Jesus Is Wonderful


GJesus is Dwonderful
GJesus is Cmine,
GHe is the DOne that I Glove.

GHe is my DLord and King
G Saviour Cdivine,
GHe is the DOne that I Glove.

CBlessings I know
GHe will bestow,
AComing from Heaven a-Dbove.

GJesus is Dwonderful
GJesus is Cmine,
GHe is the DOne that I Glove.

Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man

[PDF][PDF Word Search]See this song on YouTube[MP3]


Dchaeus Awas a Dwee little Aman, and a Dwee little Aman was Dhe.
He Dclimbed up Ain a Dsycamore Atree, for the DLord he Awanted to Dsee.
And Das the ASavior Dpassed him Aby, He Dlooked up Ain the Dtree,
And he said, “Zacchaeus, you come down from there;
For I’m Dgoing to your Ahouse to-Dday,A… for I’m Dgoing to your Ahouse Dtoday”



Dchaeus Acame down Dfrom that Atree, as Dhappy as Ahe could Dbe,
He Dgave his Amoney Dto the Apoor, and Dsaid: “What a better man I’ll be.”



Dsinful Aheart was Dcertainly Achanged when DJesus the ALord passed Dby.
He Dwants to Achange your Dsinful heart Atoo, this Dtruth you can-Anot de-Dny.
If Dyou de-Asire to Dsee the ALord the DBible Atells the Dway:
For it says, “Believe Christ died for you.”
He will Dcome into your Aheart to-Dday.A… Yes He’ll Dcome into your Aheart to Dstay.

Walk the Bible Way


GWalk, walk, walk the Bible way;
DRead your Bible daily; Gdon’t forget to pray!
GWalk, walk, walk the Bible way;
DRead your Bible every Gday.
GSmoking, drinking, fist-fights, and dirty talk
DThey all make you Gwalk the dirty walk.
GSmoking, drinking, fist-fights, and dirty talk
DJesus says, G“No! No! Don’t do it!”

Twelve Men Went to Spy Out Canaan


DTwelve men went to spy out Canaan,
(GTen were Dbad, Atwo were Dgood)
DWhat do you think they saw in Canaan?
(GTen were Dbad, Atwo were Dgood)
DSome saw giants, Gbig and Dtall!
ESome saw grapes in Aclusters fall,
DSome saw God was Gin it Dall.
(GTen were Dbad, Atwo were Dgood)

This Little Light of Mine


GThis little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
CThis little light of mine, I’m gonna let it Gshine.
GThis little light of mine, I’m gonna let it Emshine.
Let it Gshine, let it Dshine, let it Gshine!

Hide it under a bushel, NO! I’m gonna let it shine…
All around the neighborhood, I’m gonna let it shine…
Don’t let Satan pfft- it out! I’m gonna let it shine…
Let it shine ’til Jesus comes. I’m gonna let it shine…

This is the Day


GThis is the day, (this is the day)
That the DLord hath made (that the Lord hath made)
I will rejoice (I will rejoice)
And be Gglad in it (and be glad in it)
CThis is the day that the GLord hath made,
CI will rejoice and be Gglad in it,
GThis is the day, this is the day,
That the Lord Dhath Gmade.

The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock

See this song on YouTube[MP3]


Gwise man built his Dhouse upon the rock,
The D7wise man built his Ghouse upon the rock,
The Gwise man built his Dhouse upon the rock,
And the D7rains came tumbling Gdown!
The Grains came down and the Dfloods came up,
The D7rains came down and the Gfloods came up,
The Grains came down and the Dfloods came up,
And the D7house on the rock stood Gfirm.
The Gfoolish man built his Dhouse upon the sand,
The D7foolish man built his Ghouse upon the sand,
The Gfoolish man built his Dhouse upon the sand,
And the D7rains came tumbling Gdown!
The Grains came down and the Dfloods came up,
The D7rains came down and the Gfloods came up,
The Grains came down and the Dfloods came up,
And the D7house on the sand went GSPLAT!
So Gbuild your house on the DLord Jesus Christ,
D7Build your house on the GLord Jesus Christ,
GBuild your house on the DLord Jesus Christ
And the D7blessings will come Gdown.
The Gblessings will come down as your Dprayers go up,
The D7blessings will come down as your Gprayers go up,
The Gblessings will come down as your Dprayers go up,
So D7build your house on the GLord!

The Things I Used to Do



Gthings I used to do,
I don’t Cdo them any-Gmore!
The Gthings I used to do,
I don’t Ado them any-D7more!
The Gthings I used to do,
I don’t Cdo them any-Gmore!
There’s been a Emgreat change,
Since GI’ve been Dborn again!

There’s been a

Ggreat (great!) change,
Since CI’ve been born a-Ggain.
There’s been a Ggreat (great!) change,
Since AI’ve been born a-D7gain.
There’s been a Ggreat (great!) change,
Since CI’ve been born a-Ggain.
There’s been a Emgreat change,
Since I’ve been Dborn a-Ggain!

Other verses:
The places I used to go…
The things I used to wear…
The words I used to say…

The B-I-B-L-E



Yes Fthat’s the book for me.
I Gstand alone on the word of God,
the G7B-I-B-L-CE! (Bible!)

The B-I-B-L-E
I’ll take it along with me,
I’ll read and pray,
and then obey,
the B-I-B-L-E. (Bible!)

By F-A-I-T-H,
I’m S-A-V-E-D,
I’ll stand alone
on the word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E. (Bible!)

The B-L-O-O-D
That Jesus shed for me
Cleansed me from sin,
I belong to him,
The B-L-O-O-D (Blood!)

Rise and Shine – Children of the Lord

See this song on YouTube[MP3]

Verse 1:

DLord said to Noah:
There’s Ggonna be a floody, floody
DLord said to Noah:
There’s Ggonna be a floody, floody
DGet those children out of the muddy, muddy
DChildren of Athe DLord.


DRise and shine
And Ggive God the glory, glory
DRise and shine
And Ggive God the glory, glory
DRise and shine
DAnd give God the glory, glory
DChildren of Athe DLord.

Verse 2:
The Lord told Noah
To build him an arky, arky
Lord told Noah
To build him an arky, arky
Build it out of gopher barky, barky
Children of the Lord.

Verse 3:
He called for the animals,
They came in by twosie, twosies
Called for the animals,
They came in by twosie, twosies
Elephants and kangaroosie, roosies
Children of the Lord.

Verse 4:
It rained and it poured
For forty long daysie, daysies
Rained and it poured
For forty long daysie, daysies
Almost drove those animals crazy, crazies,
Children of the Lord.

Verse 5:
Then Noah he sent out
He sent out a dovey dovey
Noah he sent out
He sent out a dovey dovey
Dovey said “There’s clear skies abovey-bovey”
Children of the Lord.

Verse 6:
The sun came out and
Dried up the landy landy
Sun came out and
It dried up the landy landy
Everything was fine and dandy, dandy
Children of the Lord.

Verse 7:
The animals they came off
They came off by three-sies three-sies
Animals they came off
They came off by three-sies three-sies
Grizzly bears and chimpanzee-sies zee-sies
Children of the Lord

Verse 8:
That is the end of,
The end of my story, story
That is the end of,
The end of my story, story
Everything is hunky dory, dory
Children of the Lord.

Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day

[PDF]See this song on YouTube[MP3]

DRead your Bible, pray every day,
APray every day, Gpray every Dday.
DRead your Bible, pray every day,
And you’ll Dgrow, Agrow, Dgrow.
And you’ll Dgrow, Ggrow, Dgrow.
And you’ll Ggrow, grow, Dgrow.
DRead your Bible, pray everyday,
And you’ll Dgrow, Agrow, Dgrow.

DDon’t read your Bible, forget to pray,
AForget to pray, Gforget to Dpray.
DDon’t read your Bible, forget to pray,
And you’ll Dshrink, Ashrink, Dshrink.
And you’ll Dshrink, Gshrink, Dshrink.
And you’ll Gshrink, shrink, Dshrink.
DDon’t read your Bible, forget to pray,
And you’ll Dshrink, Ashrink, Dshrink.

Only a Boy Named David

GOnly a boy named David, Only a little Dsling.
GOnly a boy named David, but A7he could play and Dsing.
GOnly a boy named David, Only a rippling Cbrook.
BmOnly a boy named EmDavid, but A7five little D7stones he Gtook.
And Cone little stone went into the sling, and the Gsling went round and round.
And Aone little stone went into the sling, and the sling went round and Dround.
And Ground, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and Cround.
And Gone little stone went up in the air, and the Dgiant came tumbling Gdown.

O Be Careful


O be

Gcareful little feet where you Dgo.
O be careful little feet where you Ggo.
For the CFather up above is Glooking down in love,
So be Dcareful little feet where you Ggo.

O be careful…
2) Little hands what you do…
3) Little eyes what you see…
4) Little ears what you hear…
5) Little mind what you think…
6) Little mouth what you say…
7) Little heart whom you trust…

Obedience Song


CObedience is the very best way, to show that you be-Dmlieve.(…G)
DmDoing ex-Gactly what the DmLord com-Gmands, doing it happi-Cly.
CAction is the key – do it im-C7mediately, joy you will re-Fceive.
FObedience is the Cvery best way to Gshow that you be-Clieve.


FObedience is the Cvery best way to Gshow that you be-Clieve.


Cwant to live pure we want to live clean.
We want to do our Dmbest.(…G)
DmSweetly sub-Gmitting to Dmauthori-Gty, leaving to God the Crest.
CWalking in the light, keep our C7attitudes right,
On the narrow Fway.
FFor if you believe the CWord you receive,
You Galways will o-Cbey!

My God Is So Great / My God Is So Big



GGod is so great, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo.
My GGod is so great, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo.
The Cmountains are his, the Grivers are his, the Dstars are His handiwork, Gtoo.
My GGod is so great, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo. (for you!)

Alternative lyrics (“Big” rather than “Great” — God is both so neither is incorrect):


GGod is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo.
My GGod is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo.
The Cmountains are his, the Grivers are his, the Dstars are His handiwork, Gtoo.
My GGod is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s Dnothing my God cannot Gdo. (for you!)

Leaning on the Lord’s Side

Verse 1:

GWho’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the DLord’s Gside.
GWho’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the DLord’s Gside.
GLeaning, leaning, leaning, leaning, leaning on the DLord’s Gside.

Verse 2:

Verse 3:

Verse 4:

Verse 5:

Verse 6:
Who’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you clapping on? I’m clapping on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you hopping on? I’m hopping on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you shouting on? I’m shouting on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you whispering on? I’m whispering on the Lord’s side.

King of the Jungle


GWho is the King of the jungle? (ooh, ooh!)
GWho is the King of the Dsea? (waddle, waddle, waddle)
GWho is the King of the Emuniverse?
And Cwho’s the DKing of Gme? I’ll tell you J-E-S-U-S. (Yes!)
GHe is the King of the Dsea. (waddle, waddle, waddle)
GHe is the King of the Emuniverse,
And CHe’s the DKing of Gme! (waddle, waddle, waddle)(ooh, ooh!)


(Alternative lyrics: “yabba dabba da” instead of “waddle, waddle, waddle” Note: I use the term “lyrics” loosely.)

Jesus Loves the Little Children


Verse 1:

GJesus loves the little children
DAll the children of the world; Red and Gyellow, black and white,
They are Cprecious in his Gsight; Jesus loves the little Dchildren of the Gworld.

Verse 2:
Jesus died for all the children,
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus died the little children of the world.

Verse 3:
Jesus rose for all the children,
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus rose the little children of the world.

Verse 4:
Jesus lives for all the children,
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus arose the little children of the world.

Verse 5:
Jesus wants the little children,
To be careful what they do; Honor father, mother dear
Keep their hearts so full of cheer; Then he’ll take them home to glory by and by.

Jesus Loves Me


CJesus loves Gme! CThis I know,
FFor the Bible Ctells me so.
CLittle ones Gto CHim belong;
FThey are Cweak, but GHe is Cstrong.


CYes, Jesus Floves me!
CYes, Jesus Gloves me!
CYes, Jesus Floves me!
The CBible Gtells me Cso.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee,
Saying, “Let them come to Me.”

Jesus loves me still today,
Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live.

Jesus loves me! He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way;
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for thee.

Jesus loves me! Loves me still,
Though I’m very weak and ill,
That I might from sin be free
Bled and died upon the tree.

I’ve got the joy


GI’ve got the Cjoy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, (where!?)
GDown in my heart, (where?), Cdown in my heart,
GI’ve got the Cjoy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, (where!?)
Gdown in my heart to Cstay. FC
And I’m so Fhappy, so very Chappy.
I’ve Ggot the love of Jesus in my Cheart.
And I’m so Fhappy, so very Chappy.
I’ve Ggot the love of Jesus in my CheartFC

Additional Verses:
I’ve got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart
I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus, down in my heart
I’ve got the wonderful love of my blessed redeemer way down in the depths of my

Sing it in German!
Ich habe Freude Freude Freude Freude in meinem Herz; (Wo!?)
In meinem Herz (Wo!?)
In meinem Herz
Ich habe Freude Freude Freude Freude in meinem Herz;
Ehre sei dem Herrn!

I’ve Got Him on My Mind

See this song on YouTube

GJesus, Jesus, Jesus,
I’ve got Him on my mind.
CJesus, Jesus, Jesus,
I’ve got Him on my Gmind.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
I’ve got Him on my Cmind,
Oh, I’ve got Jesus on my Gmind!…CG
GWhen I ride the church bus,
I’ve got Him on my mind.
CWhen I ride the church bus,
I’ve got Him on my Gmind.
When I ride the church bus,
I’ve got Him on my Cmind,
Oh, I’ve got Jesus on my Gmind!…CG

Other verses:

When you see me praying…

When you see me clap my hands…

I’ve Been Redeemed


GI’ve been redeemed [I’ve Cbeen re-Gdeemed]
By the blood of the Lamb [by the Cblood of the GLamb]
I’ve been re-DdeemedD7
By the blood of the GLamb.
I’ve been re-Cdeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
Filled with the GHoly Spirit, I Emam:
All my Csins are washed a-Dway,
I’ve been Gredeemed.

Oh I went down [oh I went down]
to the river to pray [to the river to pray]
Oh I went down to the river to pray.
Oh I went down to the river to pray:
Felt so good that I stayed all day.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.

And that’s not all [and that’s not all]
There’s more besides [there’s more besides]
And that’s not all there’s more besides.
And that’s not all there’s more besides:
I went to the river and I’ve been baptized.
All my sins are washed away,
I’ve been redeemed.

The Lord and I [the Lord and I],
we got so close (etc)
He filled me up with the Holy Ghost.
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

Now the Devil and me [the Devil and me]
We disagree (etc)
I hate him and he hates me
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

Now Satan’s mad [Now Satan’s mad]
and I’m so glad (etc)
He lost a soul that he thought he had
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

You can talk about me [You can talk about me]
All that you please (etc)
I’ll talk about you down on my knees
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

He’s coming back [He’s coming back]
To take me home (etc)
For we shall reap what we have sown
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

I’ve been redeemed [I’ve been redeemed]
By the blood of the lamb (etc)
I’m going to heaven with the Son of Man
All my sins are washed away
I’ve been redeemed.

Note: Words in brackets ([ ]) are to be echoed by the children.

It’s Amazing What Praising Can Do



Damazing what Gpraising can Ddo.
Halle-Alujah, halle-Glu-Djah!
It’s Damazing what Gpraising can Ddo.
AI don’t worry Gwhen things go Dwrong,
AJesus fills my Gheart with Dsong!
And it’s Damazing what Gpraising can Ddo.

I’m So Happy


DI’m so happy and here’s the reason why,
AJesus took my burdens all a-Dway.
DNow I’m singing as the days go by,
AJesus took my burdens all a-Dway.
AOnce my heart was heavy with a Dload of sin,
EJesus took the load and gave me Awonderful peace with-A7in.
DNow I’m singing as the days go by,
AJesus took my burdens all a-Dway.

I May Never March In The Infantry

[PDF]See this song on YouTube[MP3]

Capo 1

GI may never march in the infantry, DRide in the cavalry, GShoot the artillery.
GI may never Emfly o’er the enemy, But CI’m in the DLord’s ar-Gmy. (yes, sir!)
GI’m in the CLord’s ar-Gmy, (yes, sir!) I’m in the DLord’s ar-Gmy, (yes, sir!)
GI may never march in the infantry, DRide in the Calvary, GShoot the artillery.
GI may never Emfly o’er the enemy, But CI’m in the DLord’s ar-Gmy. (yes, sir!)
I may never take a trip to Mexico, Ride a donkey oh so slow, eat a cheesy taco,
I may never wear a big sombrero, but I’m in the lords army (Si senor!)
I’m in the lords army (Si senor!) I’m in the lords army (Si senor!)
I may never take a trip to Mexico, Ride a donkey oh so slow, eat a cheesy taco,
I may never wear a big sombrero, but I’m in the lords army (Si senor!)
I may never in Africa abide, Be a Safari guide, Go on an elephant ride,
I may never shoot me a Rhino Hide, But I’m in the lords army! (Pound Chest)
I’m in the lords army! (Pound Chest) I’m in the lords army! (Pound Chest)
I may never in Africa abide, Be a Safari guide, Go on an elephant ride,
I may never shoot me a Rhino Hide, But I’m in the lords army! (Pound Chest)
I may never blast into outer space, Shoot a laser any place, Win in a rocket race.
I may never walk on the moon in space But I’m in the Lord’s Army! (Roger, sir!)
I’m in the Lord’s Army! (Roger, sir!) I’m in the Lord’s Army! (Roger, sir!)
I may never blast into outer space, Shoot a laser any place, Win in a rocket race.
I may never walk on the moon in space But I’m in the Lord’s Army! (Roger, sir!)
I may never have a black patch on my eye, and a parrot by my side, with a peg leg
walk on by, I may never bury treasure far and wide but I’m in the Lord’s Army (aarg matey!)
I’m in the Lord’s Army (aarg matey!) I’m in the Lord’s Army (aarg matey!)
I may never have a black patch on my eye, and a parrot by my side, with a peg leg
walk on by, I may never bury treasure far and wide but I’m in the Lord’s Army (aarg matey!)
I may never be called an Aussie, See a koala in a tree, Jump like a wallaby.
I may never see a croc, oh woe is me, But I’m in the Lord’s army. (G’day, Mate!)
I’m in the Lord’s army. (G’day, Mate!) I’m in the Lord’s army. (G’day, Mate!)
I may never be called an Aussie, See a koala in a tree, Jump like a wallaby.
I may never see a croc, oh woe is me, But I’m in the Lord’s army. (G’day, Mate!)

I’m Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright Happy all the Time


D7I’m Ginright, outright, upright, downright Dhappy all the time.
I’m D7inright, outright, upright, downright Ghappy all the time.
Since GJesus Christ came in, and Ccleansed my heart from sin.
I’m Ginright, outright, upright, downright happy D7all the Gtime.

I Love Him Better Every D-A-Y


GI love Him better every DD-A-Y!
I love Him better every GD-A-Y!
GClose by His S-I-D-E,
CI will A-B-I-D-E,
DI love Him better every GD-A-Y!

I’ll Fly Away


Verse 1:

GSome glad morning when this life is o’er, CI’ll fly a-Gway;
GTo a home on God’s celestial Emshore,
GI’ – EmG – ll D fly a- G way (I’ll Cfly a – Gway).


GI’ll fly away, Oh Glory
CI’ll fly a-Gway in the Cmorning
GWhen I die, Hallelujah, by and Emby,
GI’ – EmG – ll D fly a- G way (I’ll Cfly a – Gway).

Verse 2:

GWhen the shadows of this life have gone, CI’ll fly a-Gway;
Like a bird from prison bars has Emflown,
GI’ – EmG – ll D fly a- G way (I’ll Cfly a – Gway).

Verse 3:

GJust a few more weary days and then, CI’ll fly a-Gway;
To a land where joy shall never Emend,
GI’ – EmG – ll D fly a- G way (I’ll Cfly a – Gway).

I Hate Sin


I hate

Gsin, I hate it Dbad.
I hate Gsin: it makes me mad!
It is Gwrong, it is wicked! When it Dcomes around I’ll kick it.
I hate Gsin, Dfor I love GGod.

I hate the devil… drinking… smoking… swearing… rock music… lying…

If You’re Happy and You Know It


If you’re

Ghappy and you know it, clap your Dhands,
If you’re Dhappy and you know it, clap your Ghands,
If you’re Chappy and you know it, then your Glife will surely Emshow it,
If you’re Dhappy and you know it, clap your Ghands!

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet…
If you’re happy and you know it, shout AMEN!…
If you’re happy and you know it, shake your head…
If you’re happy and you know it, turn around…
If you’re happy and you know it, touch your toes…
If you’re happy and you know it, beep your nose…
If you’re happy and you know it, say, “Ooga booga!”…
(Actually, we sing “If you’re SAVED and you know it…”)

I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N


I am a

I am a C-H
I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-DN (Yee-hah!)
And I have C-H-R-I-S-T
In my D7H-E-A-R-T
And I will L-I-V-E E-T-E-R-GN-A-L-L-Y!

Just for FUN
For every consonant add the ending -ong and pronounce every vowel.
I am a Cong
I am a Cong-Hong
I am a Cong-Hong-Rong-I-Song-Tong-I-A-Nong

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands


He’s got the

Dwhole world in His hands, He’s got the A7whole world in His hands,
He’s got the Dwhole world in His hands, He’s got the whole world A7in His Dhands!

Other verses:
He’s got the itty, bitty babies in His hands
He’s got the mommas and the papas in His hands
He’s got you and me, sister, in His hands

Give Me Oil in My Lamp


Give me

Goil in my lamp, keep it Cburning
Give me Goil in my lamp I Dpray
Give me Goil in my lamp, keep it Cburning, burning, burning.
Keep it Gburning till the Dbreak of Gday (CG)

(Why don’t you)

GSing Hosanna, Csing Hosanna
DSing Hosanna to the GKing Cof Gkings
(Why don’t you) GSing Hosanna, Csing Hosanna
DSing Hosanna to the GKing Cof Gkings!

Make me

Gfishers of men keep me Csearching,
Make me Gfishers of men I Dpray
Make me Gfishers of men keep me Csearching, searching, searching,
Keep me Gsearching till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Gjoy in my heart keep me Cpraising
Give me Gjoy in my heart I Dpray
Give me Gjoy in my heart keep me Cpraising, praising, praising!
Keep me Gpraising till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Glove in my heart keep me Cserving
Give me Glove in my heart I Dpray
Give me Glove in my heart keep me Cserving, serving, serving.
Keep me Gserving till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Gpeace in my heart keep me Cresting
Give me Gpeace in my heart I Dpray
Give me Glove in my peace keep me Cresting, resting, resting.
Keep me Gserving till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Ggas for my Ford, keep me Ctruckin’ for the Lord,
Give me Ggas for my Ford, I Dpray.
Give my Ggas for my Ford, keep me Ctruckin’ for the Lord,
Keep me Gtruckin’ till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Ghot sauce for my taco, let me Cwitness in Morocco.
Give me Ghot sauce for my taco, I Dpray.
Give me Ghot sauce for my taco, let me Cwitness in Morocco.
Let me Gwitness till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Give me

Gbatteries in my torch, keep me Cshining,
Give me Gbatteries in my torch, I Dpray
Give me Gbatteries in my torch, keep me Cshining,
Keep me Gshining till the Dbreak of Gday. (CG)

Ever ready, Ever ready, Ever ready for the king of Kings,
Ever ready, Ever ready, Ever ready for the king!

Give me umption in my gumption, help me function…

Give me wax for my board keep me surfing for the lord

Fishers of Men


GI will make you fishers of men
DFishers of men, Cfishers of Gmen.
GI will make you fishers of men,
If you fol-Dlow Gme.
GI will make you fishers of men,
If you fol-Dlow Gme

Father Abraham Had Many Sons

[PDF] [Sheet Music]See this song on YouTube


GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm, right foot!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, chin up–chin-down!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, chin up–chin-down, turn around!]



GAbraham had many sons.
Many Gsons had Father DAbraham.
I am D7one of them, and so are you
So D7let’s just praise the GLord!
[Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, chin up–chin-down, turn around, SIT DOWN!]

Do Lord (or Way Beyond the Blue)


GI’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the sun (HALLELUJAH!)
CI’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the Gsun (HALLELUJAH!)
GI’ve got a home in glory land that outshines the sun, way be-Dyond the Gblue
GDo Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me.
CDo Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember Gme.
GDo Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me, way be-Dyond the Gblue.
Additional Verse:
GI took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him too.
CI took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him Gtoo.
GI took Jesus as my Savior, You take Him too. Yes He’s Dcalling Gyou.

Deep and Wide


DDeep and wide, Gdeep and wide. There’s a Dfountain flowing deep and Awide.
DDeep and wide, Gdeep and wide. There’s a Dfountain flowing Adeep and Dwide.
DWide and deep, Gwide and deep. There’s a Dfountain flowing wide and Adeep.
DWide and deep, Gwide and deep. There’s a Dfountain flowing Awide and Ddeep.

The Crayon Box


1st Verse:


GI was just a Dlittle child,
No Ghigher than your Cknee,
my Gmama bought a Dbox of crayons,
CJust for Gme.
So I Gpicked them up and I Dopened them
and I Glooked way down in-Cside
and the Gcolors they re-Dminded me of
CJesus when He Gdied…


CRed is the color of the
Gblood that He shed and
DBrown is for the crown of thorns they
CLaid upon His Ghead.
CBlue is for the royalty
with-Gin Him that dwells and
DYellow’s for the Christian
CWho’s afraid to Gtell.

2nd Verse:

So I

Gcolored, and I Dcolored,
till my Gcrayons, they were all Cgone
and Gthough I am much Dolder now my
CMem’ry lingers Gon.
So Gwhen I see a Dlittle child,
with a Gcrayon box in their Chand,
I Gtell them all the Dcolors and I
CHope they under-Gstand:

3rd Verse:

GAfraid to tell of a DSaviour, Who
GDied on Calva-Cry,
Who Gdied for all the Dsinners like
CYou and Gme.
He’s Gcoming back a-Dgain someday
to Gbe our CKing
and the Gcolors of the Dcrayon box
CWe will Gsing:



Ddon’t you be that Christian,
CWho’s afraid to Gtell.

Countdown Song

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 Blastoff.

GSomewhere in outer space, CGod has prepared a Gplace
GFor those who trust Him and o-Dbey….
GJesus will come again, Calthough we don’t know Gwhen.
GThe countdown’s getting Dlower every Gday.
G10 and 9, 8 and 7, C6 and 5 and G4.
GCall upon the Saviour while you Dmay……
G3 and 2 coming through, the Cclouds in bright ar-Gray.
GThe countdown’s getting Dlower every Gday.

Clap Your Hands Ps. 47:1


DClap your hands, Gall ye Dpeople
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dtriumph.
DClap your hands, Gall ye Dpeople
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dpraise!

DHosanna! Hosanna!
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dtriumph.
DPraise Him! Praise Him!
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dpraise!

DClap your hands, Gall ye Dpeople
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dtriumph.
DClap your hands, Gall ye Dpeople
DShout unto God with a Avoice of Dpraise!

Be a Missionary

[PDF] [Listen]

C(CLAP), Be a missionary ev’Gry Cday! (CLAP)(CLAP)(CLAP)(CLAP)
Tell the world that Jesus Gis the way!
Be it Fany town or country or a Cbusy avenue…
AAfrica or Asia, the Gtask is up to you! So….

C(CLAP), Be a missionary ev’Gry Cday! (CLAP)(CLAP)(CLAP)(CLAP)
Tell the world that Jesus Gis the way!
The CLord is soon returning: there is no time to lose, so….
C(CLAP), Be a missionary…(CLAP), God’s own emissary…
C(CLAP) Be a (CLAP) mission-(CLAP)ary G(CLAP)to-C(CLAP)day!
Let’s go!!

Note: The last line that contains clapping requires the clap to occur on every down beat of that line (On the syllable that follows the “(CLAP)” notation).  Every other clap in the song occurs before the following word is spoken.

Peace Like a River



This song requires hand-motion participation. (Basic sign language that even I can remember)

1st verse:

I’ve got

GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CPeace like a Griver – I’ve got
GPeace like a river Ain my Dsoul (In my D7soul!)
I’ve got
GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CPeace like a Griver – I’ve got
GPeace like a Driver in my Gsoul.(…CG)

2nd verse:

(Joy like a fountain)

3rd verse:

(Love like the ocean)

4th verse:

I’ve got

GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CJoy like a Gfountain – I’ve got
GLove like the ocean Ain my Dsoul (In my D7soul!)
I’ve got
GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CJoy like a Gfountain – I’ve got
GLove like the Docean in my Gsoul.(…CG)

5th verse: (Only for the daring…)

(Peace, joy, love like a river, fount, ocean etc.)
