Lyrics, Chords and More

Peace Like a River

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This song requires hand-motion participation. (Basic sign language that even I can remember)

1st verse:

I’ve got

GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CPeace like a Griver – I’ve got
GPeace like a river Ain my Dsoul (In my D7soul!)
I’ve got
GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CPeace like a Griver – I’ve got
GPeace like a Driver in my Gsoul.(…CG)

2nd verse:

(Joy like a fountain)

3rd verse:

(Love like the ocean)

4th verse:

I’ve got

GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CJoy like a Gfountain – I’ve got
GLove like the ocean Ain my Dsoul (In my D7soul!)
I’ve got
GPeace like a G7river – I’ve got
CJoy like a Gfountain – I’ve got
GLove like the Docean in my Gsoul.(…CG)

5th verse: (Only for the daring…)

(Peace, joy, love like a river, fount, ocean etc.)

8 Responses to “Peace Like a River”

  1. September 29th, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    Racine says:

    This site is great. I’m having trouble on this song. I could swear there’s a chord transition after “Peace like a..” and “river-” on the first line and fourth. Can’t figure out what it is though. Can you help us out there? Thx so much!

  2. September 29th, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    Racine says:

    And it sounds like the note switches quickly in the beginning on “Peace” from low to higher key on the first, third, & fourth. It doesn’t sound like “G” all the way to “river”.

  3. September 29th, 2014 at 7:43 pm

    George says:

    Wow you’re right–I recorded it almost 2 years after writing in the chords, and I added a few unnecessary changes that I’ve made a habit of playing. I’m updating the chords above right now to match the out-of-tune recording.

  4. February 3rd, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    judy says:

    thank you for the help in finding words to songs for our children

  5. April 24th, 2016 at 1:14 am

    Sally Calomay says:

    Thanks for the help. This site is the best source i’ve found.

  6. July 26th, 2017 at 12:19 am

    Brittany says:

    This is not how I wanted it to be it should have I’ve got love like the ocean and I’ve got joy like a fountain

  7. May 28th, 2018 at 7:10 pm

    Liz says:

    Thank you for posting the chords for this song and the other songs, these are blessings, God bless you.

  8. April 17th, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    Julie Kopen says:

    Thank you for posting the chords for this song and the other songs, these are blessings,I more of these song posted on to my email. God blesse you for this.

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