The Fear of the Lord – Pro.9:10
Amfear of the Lord (Clap) (Clap)The fear of the Lord is the be-Eginning of wisdom,
Be-Amginning of wisdom
The fear of the Lord (Clap) (Clap)
The fear of the Lord is the be-Eginning of wis-Amdom. (Clap) (Clap) (Clap) (Clap)
And the
Dmknowledge of the Holy is Amunderstanding,EUnderstanding, Amunderstanding.
DmGod will bless them all, (Clap) (Clap)
AmBoth the great and small, (Clap) (Clap)
EAll who fear the AmLord. (Clap) (Clap) (Clap) (Clap)
May 11th, 2013 at 6:56 pm
fantastic for children
May 11th, 2013 at 8:19 pm
Yeah it’s a good one. The music was written as a Patch the Pirate song by Majesty Music. There’s a ton of excellent kids’ songs and stories on each Patch CD. Check out the story that uses this song.