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I Want to Be More Like Jesus

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Verse 1:
I want to be

Gmore like Jesus.
I want to be Gmore like AHimD.
I want to be Gmore and more and more and more,
CMore and more and more and more,
GMore and more and Dmore like GHim!

(Tell me!)

GWhat d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Dal-Gright!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Ddyna-Gmite!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Dal-Gright!
What d’you think about Jesus?
He’s Ddyna-Gmite!

Verse 2:

Gtry and tell me my God is dead:
He woke me up this morning!
Don’t Gtry and tell me he’s not alive:
I Aspoke with Him to-Dday!
He Gopened up my blinded eyes,
And sent me on my Cway.
All I want to Gknow about is this
DMan from Gali-Glee!

Verse 3:
He is the

GKing of kings.
He is the Lord of AlordsD.
His name is GJesus, DJesus, GJesus, CJesus,
DOh! He is the GKing Cof Gkings
[Repeat verse 1]

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