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Little Birdy with the Silly Name

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Early in the morning,
When I’m fast asleep.
I heard a little chirping,
I heard a little peep.
It’s from a little birdy,
With the funny name.
It’s Clana-Clana-Feagle-Fugal-Osca-Peckin-Beagle-Bugle-Ear-Splittin’-Loud-
and-Bloomin-Bird. Erk! Erk!
Went to get some bird seed,
Put it on the sill.
Just to keep him busy,
Just to keep him still.
It’s for the little birdy,
With the funny name.
It’s Clana-Clana-Feagle-Fugal-Osca-Peckin-Beagle-Bugle-Ear-Splittin’-Loud-and-
Bloomin-Bird. Erk! Erk!
Now to end my story
It’s very sad, but true.
The window fell upon him,
And out his guts did spew.
There’s no more little birdy,
With the funny name.
It’s Clana-Clana-Feagle-Fugal-Osca-Peckin-Beagle-Bugle-Ear-Splittin’-Loud-and-
Bloomin-Bird. Erk! Erk!

2 Responses to “Little Birdy with the Silly Name”

  1. September 17th, 2016 at 6:40 am

    Jennifer says:

    Why on earth is this song here? I would not sing it to my grandchildren.

  2. October 26th, 2020 at 8:16 am

    micheal says:

    its a good song

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