Lyrics, Chords and More

Leaning on the Lord’s Side

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Verse 1:

GWho’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the DLord’s Gside.
GWho’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the DLord’s Gside.
GLeaning, leaning, leaning, leaning, leaning on the DLord’s Gside.

Verse 2:

Verse 3:

Verse 4:

Verse 5:

Verse 6:
Who’s side are you leaning on? I’m leaning on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you clapping on? I’m clapping on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you hopping on? I’m hopping on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you shouting on? I’m shouting on the Lord’s side.
Who’s side are you whispering on? I’m whispering on the Lord’s side.

3 Responses to “Leaning on the Lord’s Side”

  1. June 3rd, 2014 at 12:41 am

    Valerie says:

    I love this

  2. July 13th, 2017 at 10:08 pm

    Camp song leader says:

    Thank you for making this fun song available

  3. August 22nd, 2018 at 3:48 pm

    Rob says:

    One of my favorite old campfire songs! Thanks for reminding me of “whispering” But it’s supposed to be “Whose.” (The contraction “who’s” is short for “who is,” while “whose” is the right form for the possessive.)

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